Debug Solr code – Remote Debug and Local

Solr is a very popular tool for enabling search.
It’s open-source, so you can easily download its source code.

Here is the git repository for Solr –

I wanted to use a specific version of Solr – (6.0.0)
Hence, I checked out the branch – branch_6_0
Well, now you have the code and the right branch. Let’s setup debug.

Prerequisites –

Ant should be installed on your machine.
I used IntelliJ IDE, so the instructions in this blog are specific to IntelliJ. The steps for Eclipse should not be very different.

Read the basic of contributing to Solr project –

Let’s start setting up the debug environment now –
Assuming you checkout out the git code, you will now have a folder called lucene-solr.

Do the following –

cd lucene-solr
ant ivy-bootstrap
ant idea

cd solr (which is inside top level lucene-solr directory)
ant server
ant dist
ant package

Now open your project (lucene-solr) in IntelliJ

There are two ways to debug Solr.

1. Remote debug –


In IntelliJ create a remote debug run configuration. Choose a port number (I think default is 6900).
Now IntelliJ will give you a “Commandline arguments for running remote JVM”.
Copy that line

Now start solr cloud with that line after “-a” option. Here is the command I used –
Assuming you are in the solr directory now –

./bin/solr start -a "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=6900" -e cloud

Solr will ask you for a number of options. I usually just start solr locally with one node. Collection name I chose was “mycollection”.

After solr is up go to IntelliJ and hit debug for the remote debug run configuration we just created.

Voila! You are now debugging Solr.

To do a quick check, that your remote debug environment is setup, you can set a breakpoint at –
org.apache.solr.parser.QueryParser (TopLevelQuery method or Query method).
Now, go to solr admin (http://localhost:8983/solr/#/mycollection/query) and query for documents.
This should hit your breakpoint!!

2. Local Debug –



Follow the steps above to run solr. Now do a “ps -ef | grep solr” to see the details of the solr command.
The solr start script actually runs a jar file called start.jar located in solr/server directory.
We will basically be setting up a debug configuration to start debugging that jar file.
And we need to use the same JAVA options that were set by the solr start script (from the results of ps -ef command).

In IntelliJ create a jar debug configuration.
Use the following options –
debug the start.jar

Create a jar debug config on IntelliJ

Path to Jar

Program arguments –
-server –module=http

Working directory –

Search sources using module’s classpath –

VM Options

Voila! You have started Solr in debug mode locally!!

To do a quick check, that your remote debug environment is setup, you can set a breakpoint at –
org.apache.solr.parser.QueryParser (TopLevelQuery method or Query method).
Now, go to solr admin (http://localhost:8983/solr/#/mycollection/query) and query for documents.
This should hit your breakpoint!!

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