ELK – Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana

ELK is an open-source stack for capturing, indexing and visualizing data from various sources. If you have any type of software applications running on in a production environment, you depend a lot on the log files generated by these applications to understand application behavior and debug issues. Most of the times such applications run on Read more about ELK – Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana[…]

Spring BOM

It is possible to accidentally mix different versions of Spring JARs when using Maven. For example, you may find that a third-party library, or another Spring project, pulls in a transitive dependency to an older release. If you forget to explicitly declare a direct dependency yourself, all sorts of unexpected issues can arise. To overcome Read more about Spring BOM[…]

Debug Solr code – Remote Debug and Local

Solr is a very popular tool for enabling search. It’s open-source, so you can easily download its source code. Here is the git repository for Solr – https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr I wanted to use a specific version of Solr – (6.0.0) Hence, I checked out the branch – branch_6_0 Well, now you have the code and the Read more about Debug Solr code – Remote Debug and Local[…]